Through the Your Future World Today weekly articles written over the past nine months, the writer detailed how ‘the Jesus Christ availed and demonstrated’ maturing and commissioning discipleship or training, prepares any willing person within at most three years. For one’s also taking up ‘the all people created for and redeemed for earthly ruling and God serving’ Kingdom and Priesthood Inheritance, of not only pursuing to accomplish whatever one’s desired higher dreams, visions or aspirations. But ‘also teaching other increasing people’ as did the apostles who were first called Christians at Antioch, whatever one’s experienced or grown to rulership, of the image and likeness of God’s boundless power, wealth, wisdom, strength, honor, glory and blessing.
Given this Jesus Christ availed, demonstrated and commissioned enablement of any willing person, to also take up and extend to others within at most three years, this ‘all people created for earthly ruling and God serving inheritance’ of each person’s created in image and likeness of God. What then explains how most people are easily deceived, to the extend of merely professing to be Christians. Whilst ‘they have not even grown’ let alone teach others to grow, the capacity ‘to also take up this all people created for’ Earthly Ruling and God Serving Inheritance, and ‘despite their giving endless or lifetime attendances’ to the teachings of their professing Christian Church leaders?
The core explanation is that instead of seeking to be taught the Matthew 28 verses 18-20 or Revelation 5 verses 9-12 ‘maturing and commissioning or transforming and enthroning teachings’ of Jesus Christ, most people erroneously assume ‘that because they came to a place calling itself a church’ of Jesus Christ, therefore they are receiving the teachings of Jesus Christ. Whilst in reality ‘their professing Christian Church leaders’ could be teaching their followers, the Colossians 2 verses 4, 8 and 16-23 or Ephesians 4 verse 14 ‘false humility and self-imposed worship rooted, cunning and deceiving craftiness driven, and mere human made regulations or traditions conforming’ teaching schemes, which are camouflaged with the Hebrews 5 verse 13 to 6 verses 1-2 ‘milk only or elementary salvation’ teachings. And whose core objective is to deceive, imprison and impoverish the followers, so that they ‘not only continue not to seek’ the Proverbs 29 verse 18 and Hosea 4 verse 6 revelation and knowledge, of the Genesis 1 verses 26-28 or Revelation 5 verses 9-12 ‘all people created for and redeemed for earthly ruling and God serving’ Kingdom and Priesthood Inheritance. But also so that the followers consequently remain, as the Ephesians 4 verse 14 or 2 Timothy 3 verse 7 ‘ignorance imprisoned and driven’ mere religious children. Who are ‘always being taught’ but never learning or never growing, and are consequently tossed back and forth ‘by every wind of the cunning craftiness’ of human made religious or church teaching doctrines, regulations or traditions.
The core evidence of any person’s being under this ignorance driven, imprisoning and impoverishing deception or bondage, is that of ‘one’s being endlessly discipled whilst not growing’ the capacity, for taking up ‘the all people created for earthly ruling and God serving Kingdom and Priesthood Inheritance’ within the Jesus Christ modeled ‘three-year discipleship crop harvest’ period. In addition to one’s claiming the 2 Timothy 3 verse 5 form of godliness, on the basis of ‘one’s merely conforming’ to one’s church or religion’s not maturing and not commissioning doctrines, regulations or traditions. Whilst one ‘is neither accessing’ nor extending to other increasing people, the God purposed and Jesus Christ availed to all people ‘boundless power, wealth, wisdom, strength, honor, glory and blessing’ of one’s created in image and likeness of God.
For curbing these Matthew 7 verse 15-23 and 2 Thessalonians 2 verses 9-10 ‘false prophets led and lying miracles and wonders manifesting’ grand deceptions, Ephesians 5 verse 15 and 1 Thessalonians 5 verse 21 COMMAND ALL PEOPLE TO BE ALWAYS CIRCUMSPECT or EXTRA CAREFUL, IN CHECKING EVERYTHING THEY ARE TAUGHT BY ANYONE. SO THAT THEY DO NOT LIVE LIKE FOOLS, BUT AS WISE and in conformity with each person’s created in image and likeness of God’s boundless power, wealth, wisdom, strength, honor, glory and blessing. Hence apostle Paul commended the people of Beria per Acts 17 verse 11, for their being noble in THEIR ALWAYS CHECKING AGAINST THE WRITTEN WORD OF GOD’S SAVING TRUTH, everything that apostle Paul taught them.
So should every person always heed, to this ‘God required checking against the written Word of God’s saving Truth’ whatever teaching one receives. Which checking is led and taught by the Revelation 5 verse 6 or 21 verses 1-7, John chapters 14 to 16 or 2 Timothy 1 verse 7 ‘Jesus Christ availed to indwell all people, God sent to all the earth and all things teaching’ Spirit not of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind. Which is the indwelling Holy Spirit, that is ALWAYS CALLING ALL PEOPLE TO COME per Revelation 22 verse 17, for freely receiving God’s saving Water of Life or God’s saving Truth. As any person’s not seeking and not receiving this ALL PEOPLE ALWAYS CALLED TO saving Truth of God, confirms one’s rejecting this saving Truth. And this rejection of God’s saving Truth, causes God to consequently send ‘to the saving Truth rejecting person’ and per 2 Thessalonians 2 verses 10-12, a powerful delusion. Which ‘causes one to believe’ the false prophets led lying miracles and wonders, and results in one being condemned ‘for one’s not seeking and not believing God’s saving Truth whilst delighting in the wickedness’ of following the false prophets .
Therefore, the core explanation ‘for the deception, imprisonment and impoverishment of most professing Christian Church followers’ by their professing Christian Church leaders, is the followers’s not seeking and not believing ‘the always all people called to saving Truth’ of God’s Word. Which is the John 1 verse 17 ‘Jesus Christ availed and taught’ saving Grace and Truth, that all bonafide Christian Church leaders should always teach. To facilitate all willing people’s being not only delivered, from their Luke 4 verses 18-20 ‘false prophets led’ imprisoning and impoverishing deception or bondage. But also being subsequently commissioned per Mark 6 verse 7, Luke 10 verse 1 or Matthew 28 verses 18-20, and within the Jesus Christ modeled ‘three-year discipleship crop harvest’ period. For their ‘as well teaching their experienced deliverances’ to additional increasing people worldwide, and as facilitated and capacitated by each person’s 1 Corinthians 12 verses 4-28 or Ephesians 4 verses 4-16 giftings or talents and daily life occupation or profession. Just as apostle Paul became the ‘not dependent on anybody’ most effective apostle, through the facilitation and capacitation of his 1 Thessalonians 2 verses 9-12 or 4 verses 11-12 and Acts 18 verses 1-3 or 20 verses 33-35 tent making daily life occupation or profession.
This facilitated and capacitated by one’s daily life occupation or profession and ‘not dependent on anybody yet most effective’ apostleship, exposes ‘the worldwide rampant yet erroneous and false prophets exploited’ belief, that all other people ‘are supposed not to serve God’ but serve other earthly life occupations or professions. Whilst ‘only the few and so called specially gifted people’ are called by God, to take up the Genesis 1 verses 26-28, Revelation 5 verses 9-13, Romans 8 verses 18-39 or 12 verses 1-2 and Hebrews 10 verses 5-10 ONE AND ONLY ‘all people created for and redeemed for, earthly ruling and God serving, pleasing to God, perfect will of God fulfilling and all creation awaited’ Kingdom and Priesthood reasonable service. And this erroneous and false prophets exploited belief, is also contrary to how the Acts 2 verses 42-47 ‘early Church of Jesus Christ believers’ grew the church. By selling their possessions ‘which they individually acquired’ not from any church offerings or tithes, but from their personal daily life occupations or professions. And used the proceeds for meeting each other’s ONLY ONE NEED, of each believer’s receiving and extending to other increasing people, the Matthew 28 verses 18-20 ‘Jesus Christ taught’ maturing and commissioning discipleship or training.
Hence, just as an individual Doctor, Lawyer, Farmer, Actor, Politician, Clerk, Factory Worker, Sportsperson, Businessperson, House Maid, etc, is uniquely gifted or talented. Whilst one’s level and extent ‘of seeking, accessing, applying, experiencing and extending to others’ whatever one’s desired boundless power and wisdom of God’s image and likeness, is not only unique and distinct, but is also facilitated by one’s Jeremiah 29 verse 11 or Joel 2 verses 28-30 desired and pursued occupational or professional dreams, visions or aspirations. So are all people facilitated and capacitated by their respective giftings or talents and pursued daily life occupations or professions, to ‘uniquely and distinctly’ take up and extend to others, the Genesis 1 verses 26-28 or Revelation 5 verses 5-12 ‘all people created for and redeemed for earthly ruling and God serving’ Kingdom and Priesthood reasonable service work. As per 1 Corinthians 12 verses 4-28 or Ephesians 4 verses 4-16, and for ‘the common good of growing and maturing all willing people’ to the limitless potential of their created in image and likeness of God, or to the fullness of Jesus Christ’s Jeremiah 32 verses 37-41 or Ephesians 4 verse 13 ‘unity of faith and knowledge or unity of heart and action’ deliverances.
Accordingly, most people’s erroneously utilizing their giftings or talents and daily life occupations or professions as the Matthew 6 verses 25-32 or James 4 verse 3 ‘mere personal sustenance or short-lived desires seeking’ vessels, instead of utilising these for capacitating their taking up and extending to others ‘the all people created for earthly ruling and God serving Kingdom and Priesthood Inheritance’ per Matthew 6 verse 33 or 28 verses 18-20. Not only ‘limits most people’s purposed growing and maturing to the limitless potential’ of their Colossians 2 verses 9-10 ‘created in Deity of the image and likeness of God’ in human bodily form, but also exposes them to the deceptions of the currently worldwide rampant false prophets.
The reader is invited to comment on any of one’s experienced ‘false prophets led’ deceptions, including ‘one’s being relegated to not serving God’ but the so called other daily life occupations or professions, and consequent to ‘one’s not having sought and received’ the saving Truth of God’s Word.
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brother Paxton
NOTE: The writer is the author of the six ‘Kingdom, Priesthood and Rulership power-manifestation series’ books titled Receiving All Your Answers To All Your Prayers, Growing To Your Rulership Through Whatever Difficulties You Encounter, Receiving And Increasing Your Open Heavens Anointing, The Heavens Have Opened For You, Extending Worldwide Your Open Heavens Anointing and Your God Awaited Earthly Life Testimony, together with the respectively aligned 432 Open Heavens Revelations videos or audios of 30 Minutes each.
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