After receiving the explanations on how to prepare for entering the Rulership Faith’s power and wisdom deliverances, as explained per the previous Your Future World Today article. The reader can continue one’s preparation, by praying as follows;
(Please note that the writer’s used name Paxton and his pursued blessings or inheritances, should be substituted for those of the praying person)
“I thank you Father God, for your enabling me to sustain, the Priesthood or Heirship Faith of Jesus Christ’s deliverances. In whose name you God sent your sevenfold anointing Holy Spirit, to always ‘lead and teach me in leading’ all my discipled people, to ‘fight and overcome’ all our encountered enemy resistances. These are ‘the always encountered’ enemy resistances, because ‘they always stand against any person’s increasing and multiplying’ through other people, the pursued fulfilment of you God’s salvation Word revealed blessings or inheritances.
I thank you Father God, for this sevenfold-anointing Holy Spirit’s herewith preparing me. To enter into the next higher glory, of the savior Lord Jesus Christ’s Rulership Faith deliverances.
I accordingly herewith proceed, as you God foreshadowed through Joshua per Joshua Chapter 6. To herewith first receive you Father God’s instructions, and ‘subsequently lead in faith’ my discipled or led people. In carrying out also in faith, the attacking and destroying ‘the devoted to destruction’ Jericho City enemy.
Just as you God commanded Joshua, I herewith by faith organize, the you God serving Kingdom Priests, to lead in blowing the trumpets. As my led army of you God ‘marches around’ the Jericho enemy city, over the next six days.
After the initial six days, I further herewith instruct also by faith, and on the now seventh day. My led people ‘to now march’ seven times, around the Jericho enemy city. After which, and upon ‘our having heard the Priest’s long blast’ on the trumpets, my whole led army of you God ‘is now giving’ A LOUD SHOUT!!. Which causes the Jericho City enemy’s walls, to herewith COLLAPSE and FALL Down!! AND ALL THE HOSTS OF HEAVEN CONCUR! ALLELUIAH! AMEN. SO BE IT”
“Just as you God commanded, I am now instructing ‘the two young men who spied the land’ to herewith enter the fallen Jericho City enemy, and go into the prostitute Rahab’s house. To safely bring ‘and put outside’ our camp, all members of Rahab’s family household, and in accordance with ‘the two young men’s previous oath’ to her. AND ALL THE HOSTS OF HEAVEN CONCUR! ALLELUIAH! AMEN. SO BE IT”
“Also just as you God commanded, I am ‘now instructing by faith’ my whole led army, to herewith ‘enter and kill’ all people, destroy and burn everything, of the fallen Jericho City enemy. Except the city’s silver, gold and bronze, which they also herewith bring by faith, to you God’s treasury. AND ALL THE HOSTS OF HEAVEN CONCUR! ALLELUIAH! AMEN. SO BE IT”
“Just as Joshua ‘declared the curse’ on the destroyed Jericho City enemy, so is cursed ‘this now also destroyed by faith’ Jericho City enemy. And ‘the destroyed city’ is to be rebuilt, only at the cost of both, one’s first and last born. AND ALL THE HOSTS OF HEAVEN CONCUR! ALLELUIAH! AMEN. SO BE IT”
I thank you Father God, for that just as you were with Joshua, and his fame spread throughout the land. So shall you God ‘henceforth and always’ cause, the fame of ‘your Open Heavens Transformation Leadership Training’ books and videos, to spread across the whole face of the earth. AND ALL THE HOSTS OF HEAVEN CONCUR! ALLELUIAH! AMEN. SO BE IT”
“I also thank you Father God, for your enabling me to lead your people. In destroying by faith, the Jericho City enemy, which you God dedicated for our destruction. As preparation for us, to enter the awesome deliverances, of the Rulership Faith of Jesus Christ. Just as ‘you God prepared’ the Joshua led Israel, for commencing to enter the fulfilment, of its ‘you God purposed’ rulership inheritances. AND ALL THE HOSTS OF HEAVEN CONCUR! ALLELUIAH! AMEN. SO BE IT”
The reader should note that ‘this commenced preparation’ for entering the Rulership Faith’s power and wisdom deliverances, will continue per the next Your Future World Today article, just as God foreshadowed through the Joshua led Israel’s continued preparation per Joshua chapter 7.
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brother Paxton
NOTE: The writer is the author of the six ‘Kingdom, Priesthood and Rulership power-manifestation series’ books titled Receiving All Your Answers To All Your Prayers, Growing To Your Rulership Through Whatever Difficulties You Encounter, Receiving And Increasing Your Open Heavens Anointing, The Heavens Have Opened For You, Extending Worldwide Your Open Heavens Anointing and Your God Awaited Earthly Life Testimony, together with the respectively aligned 432 Open Heavens Revelations videos or audios of 30 Minutes each.
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