The previous two Your Future World Today articles explained ‘how any person receives’ the Heirship or Priesthood Faith’s power and wisdom deliverances. However, these received deliverances have to be sustained, as foreshadowed by Joshua per Joshua 5 verses 13-15. And by any person’s always ‘first confirming the authenticity of’ and ‘subsequently giving one’s sustained obedience’ to, the John chapters 14 to 16 or Revelation 5 verse 6 ‘God sent to all the earth’ indwelling Holy Spirit or commander of God’s army.
This God sent indwelling Holy Spirit or commander of God’s army, leads and teaches any willing person to utilize whatever one’s 1 Corinthians 12 verse 4-31 or Ephesians 4 verses 4-11 giftings or talents and daily life occupation or profession. As one’s God purposed vessels that capacitate one’s discipling and commissioning, or leading other increasing people worldwide. In fighting and overcoming all their Joshua chapters 6 to 12 foreshadowed enemy resistances, which stand against ‘their increasing and multiplying’ their pursuing the fulfillment, of their God purposed ‘earthly ruling and God serving’ blessings or inheritances.
It is only through any person’s taking up, this Matthew 28 verses 18-20, Hebrews chapters 7 to 10 or Revelation 5 verses 5-12 foreshadowed through Joshua, and ‘Jesus Christ demonstrated and bequeathed to all people’ heirship. To the kingdom and priesthood of discipling and commissioning all willing people, for ‘accessing and extending to others whatever their desired’ earthly ruling and God serving blessings or inheritances. That one grows and matures to become, the John 17 verses 20-26 ‘Jesus Christ prayed for’ One with both the Father God and the savior Lord Jesus Christ. In addition to one’s becoming, the Isaiah 55 verses 9-10, John 1 verse 14 or Colossian 2 verses 9-10 ‘mature and commissioned Word of God’ in human bodily form. Which ‘in human bodily form Word of God’ does not come back to God or come to the end of the person’s earthly life, without accomplishing ‘its God created for and send for’ purpose. Of leading and teaching every willing person, and over the Jesus Christ modeled ‘three-year discipleship crop harvest’ period. To seek, access and extend to other increasing people worldwide, whatever one’s desired Word of God’s boundless power, wealth, wisdom, strength, honor, glory and blessing. And consequently, one’s earthly life ‘sustains one’s heirship to the earthly ruling and God serving kingdom and priesthood’ of heaven, as facilitated and capacitated by one’s both gifting’s or talents and day life occupation or profession.
Most sadly and tragically, most people ‘claim to be part of’ let alone sustaining, the Heirship or Priesthood of the 1 Corinthians 12 verses 12-31 or Ephesians 4 verses 12-16 ‘worldwide church body’ of Jesus Christ. Whilst they utilize the capacitation of their both giftings or talents and daily life occupations or professions, for anything and everything else. Except ‘their growing the capacity to also disciple and commission or train’ other people, so that they as well access and extend to other increasing people worldwide, whatever their desired Word of God’s boundless power, wealth, wisdom, strength, honor, glory and blessing. Consequently, most people claim to be heirs to the kingdom and priesthood of God, not by growing and extending to others ‘the capacity to seek and access the Jesus Christ availed to call people’ boundless blessings of God. But by ‘their competing with all people’ in increasingly seeking and accumulating, as much of their Matthew 6 verses 25-32 or James 4 verse 3 ‘mere sustenance or short lived desires’ as possible.
Because Jesus Christ availed to all people and ‘God has since been calling people’ to come to, the heirship of their Romans 8 verses 18-39 ‘creation time God purposed and since all creation awaited’ earthly ruling and God serving kingdom and priesthood. The next Your Future World Today article illustrates ‘the prayer for God to enable’ all willing people, to ‘seek, enter, receive and sustain their created for heirship’ to the earthly ruling and God serving kingdom and priesthood.
The reader is invited to comment on any of one’s having considered oneself or other people, as being part of the church body of Jesus Christ. Whilst utilizing the capacitation of one’s both giftings or talents and daily life occupation, for anything and everything else. Except one’s growing and extending to other increasing people, the capacity to pursue the fulfillment ‘of whatever one’s desired’ Word of God’s boundless power, wealth, wisdom, strength, honor, glory and blessing.
brother Paxton
NOTE: The writer is the author of the six ‘Kingdom, Priesthood and Rulership power-manifestation series’ books titled Receiving All Your Answers To All Your Prayers, Growing To Your Rulership Through Whatever Difficulties You Encounter, Receiving And Increasing Your Open Heavens Anointing, The Heavens Have Opened For You, Extending Worldwide Your Open Heavens Anointing and Your God Awaited Earthly Life Testimony, together with the respectively aligned 432 Open Heavens Revelations videos or audios of 30 Minutes each.
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